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Nurse with dark hair wearing white lab coat and stethoscope
trusting women. PROVIDING CARE.

Get the Care You Deserve

Because we believe women have the right to get answers and information from a resource that will not profit from their choice, services and consultations are provided at no cost to our patients. 

A package of abortion pills on blue background
When Can You Take the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill should only be taken after a pregnancy is confirmed and is FDA-approved up through 10 weeks. 

Find out how far along you are and rule out an ectopic pregnancy with an obstetric ultrasound at no cost to you.

Am I Pregnant?

Learn more about early pregnancy signs and symptoms and your next steps.


We provide free pregnancy testing and limited obstetric ultrasounds to confirm your pregnancy so you can plan your next steps.

Nurse performing an early pregnancy ultrasound.
Two smiling nurses or medical professionals, one with stethoscope
How Much Does It Cost?

Options provides the following no-cost services including pregnancy confirmation, limited STI testing, options consultations, pre-abortion screenings, pregnancy help, and more.


We can also provide referrals for additional medical services and free resources.

What Are Common STD Symptoms?

Learn more about common STD symptoms and when you need to get tested. Options provides limited STI testing and treatment for women and their partners.


We can also provide resources and education on STDs and sexual health.

Group of diverse women smiling and sitting on a staircase.
Self-Managed Abortion Information

The abortion pill is FDA-approved up through 10 weeks after your last menstrual period. If you are considering a medication abortion, an ultrasound can confirm a viable pregnancy and how far along you are. This information determines cost and how many pills a woman takes.


We provide a free pre-abortion screening including ultrasound verification services, nurse consultations, and information on abortion and your early pregnancy options in New Hampshire and Maine. 

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